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Nubleer 2.0

Open access to reading content in Mexico

Mexico has a bad reading reputation. Statistics are poor compared to other countries: Mexicans read 5.3 book per year*.

Isn’t just about the statistics. There’s a relation to reading content access and the costs it means. Nubleer pretends to solve that through a digital reading platform in a monthly subscription basis. Lowering costs, opening access to thousands of contents and healing Mexico’s statistics.


I was in charge of design. Making all decisions based on users need and business goals. My design process was as following:

  1. User research
  2. Defining proto-personas
  3. Functionality and requieremnts
  4. Navigation design
  5. Sketching
  6. Wireframes
  7. Prototype v1
  8. User testing
  9. Prototype v2
  10. Documentation

[Data from interviews. Click to enlarge]

[Crafting proto-personas. Click to enlarge]

[Proto-personas: Ana y Alejandro. Click to enlarge]

[Sketching. Click to enlarge]

[Wireframes. Click to enlarge]

[Prototype. Click to enlarge]

[User testing. Click to enlarge]

[Documentation. Click to enlarge]


Final version was result of a design process keeping users in mind and designing for them.

[Result. Click to enlarge]

A nice project with many advantages for Mexicans. Bring the reading! 📚📲.


[iOS app]

* Sources:
Encuesta Nacional de Lectura y Escritura 2015, https://observatorio.librosmexico.mx/encuesta.html
You can watch the original result  here

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